The main purpose of this conference is to discuss frontier research and realistic application on cyborg and bionic systems (CBS), which are concerned with hybrid fusion of organic and biomechatronic body parts with the integration of some artificial components or technology like bio-hybrid actuators and sensors, sponsored by the new TC on Cyborg and Bionic Systems. One of the primary goal is to make an organism restored or enhanced beyond its original biological characteristics. With rapid development of bionic technology and nanotechnology, we think that CBS can assist human to conquer many limitations such as disease, speed, strength, as well as intelligence. The topics of interest include, but not limited to the following:
lBiomimetic robotics
lMicro/nano robotics
lWearable robotics at large
lLiving systems-robotics systems symbiosis
lPhysiologically active bio-robotics
lLife-long bio-machine interfaces and coexistence
lBiomedical imaging
lBiomaterials, biosensors, bio-actuators, and bio-reactors
lOrgan-on-chips and Bio-assembly/Tissue Engineering
lSingle cell operation and analysis
After registered and presented at the conference, accepted full will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore and then indexed by EI. Extenstions of selected papers will be recommended to publish in Cyborg and Bionic Systems, a science partner journal with an impact factor of 10.5 and has been indexed in SCIE, EI, Scopus, Pubmed, CNKI, DOAJ and Inspec.